© Sebastião SALGADO

© Sebastião SALGADO

Terre Solidaire
Photo Award





With the support of Sebastião Salgado, CCFD-Terre Solidaire is launching the first edition of the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire dedicated to humanist and environmental photography. We received more than 480 application from 70 countries.

The 3 prize winners were announced on February 16, 2023. The ceremony was the occasion of a transmission between two generations of photographers. Sebastião Salgado’s inspiring speech emphasized the meaning of CCFD-Terre Solidaire’s development action and its link with documentary photography.

Congratulations to Alessandro Cinque, Anush Babajanyan and Emily Garthwaite for their remarkable work. It is now time to discover their work through exhibitions in France and in Canada (see the agenda). CCFD-Terre Solidaire continues its mission to raise awareness and engage the public in international solidarity.


The 3 winners 2023

Alessandro Cinque

Peru : A Toxic State







Anush Babajanyan

Battered Waters 




Emily Garthwaite

Light Between Mountains






Grateful for the support that CCFD-Terre Solidaire showed him at the beginning of his career, Sebastião Salgado is now strongly committed to the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire as he has accepted to become its honorary president and helped to shape the Prix.


This story between Salgado and our NGO is about solidarity and friendship between extraordinary personalities, but also about recognition for artistic excellence.

© Sebastião SALGADO

On a side note …


In 1973, when hunger was raging in the Sahel, the CCFD-Terre Solidaire and the CIMADE set up an emergency airlift to help the people in need. Sebastião Salgado boarded on one of the planes and headed to Niger where he did his first photo-reportage.


One of his first pictures was bought by the CCFD-Terre Solidaire. It then became the main image of the campaign “The Earth belongs to everyone”. Thanks to this important publication, Salgado was able to invest in photography equipment and set up his first studio in a facility provided by CCFD-Terre Solidaire. He then started his international career.


Since that day, Salgado has become one of the greatest figures in photojournalism.

© Sebastião Salgado

© Anush Babajanyan

Our vision 

Our definition of Humanist and Environmental Photography embraces the vision of CCFD-Terre Solidaire which acts for social and environmental issues.

This theme aims at depicting human beings at the very heart of their global environment and values the people acting for a more sustainable and fairer world.

This prize has a triple dimension : to recognize the career of a photographic artist, to support the continuation of the dedicated work and to invite the photographers to join the fights of CCFD-Terre Solidaire


More on the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire
© Emily Garthwaite

Reward three photographers

For the laureate of Grand Prix Terre Solidaire :

  • A cash prize of 30,000€ to pursue his or her personal photo project.
  • An exhibition of this personal project in Festival Photo La Gacilly 2024.
  • A paid mission for a photo report about one of the international partners of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.

For the two laureates of Prix Terre Solidaire :

  • A cash prize of 10,000€ each
  • A paid mission for a photo report about one of the international partners of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
  • An exhibition of his or her photo report in many cultural places around the world
© Anush Babajanyan

The Prix Photo Terre Solidaire’s Jury 

Under the patronage of Sebastião Salgado, the Prix Photo Terre Solidaire proposes a meeting of the world of commitment and photography.

A prestigious jury with professionals of photography, photojournalism and international solidarity has meet in mid-January 2023.

Learn more about the members of the jury


© Alessandro Cinque

Useful informations


Who can participate ? 


Participation is open to all professional photographers regardless of age or nationality. Applications may be submitted for the next edition, in 2024.





General information :

  • prixphoto@ccfd-terresolidaire.org

Press relations : 

Sophie Rebours – CCFD-Terre Solidaire

  • s.rebours@ccfd-terresolidaire.org

Martial Hobeniche – 2e Bureau

  • m.hobeniche@2e-bureau.com

In partnership with :
With the support of :

actualités de la campagne

Solidarité Urgence Gaza
Je fais un don